Work in the retail sector can be very demanding. Especially in the months leading up to the holiday season, you may need to work long shifts or put in a lot of work reshelving and merchandising around the store. Although retail work may not seem very risky, it is one...
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Workers’ Compensation
Knee injuries at work are common and debilitating
Many manual laborers have job duties that are hard on their knees. This can lead to a host of issues that can eventually result in surgery. Protecting the knees is a priority for these individuals. Injuries to the knees account for around 15 to 20% of all work-related...
Injury risks associated with nursing
Nurses are often underappreciated but the truth is that they play a leading role in helping people to get better. This can be very rewarding but nurses also face a host of challenges every day. Not only is the profession stressful at times, but there are also numerous...
Has a back injury affected your job performance recently?
You may have felt it the instant it happened. Some back injuries are largely traumatic, meaning they start at a moment when someone over-exerts themselves. Improper lifting positions and trying to lift too much without help could lead to serious back injuries that...
Rushing on the job could lead to injuries
Most people have felt like they are rushed on the job at one time or another. Maybe they had to hit a deadline. Maybe their boss just wanted them to be more productive. They felt like they had to rush and do their job as fast as they could. As common as this is in the...
Are you a retail worker who has been injured?
Retail workers tend to have varied duties. Some time may be spent dealing with customers face to face, with other parts of the day being spent putting away stock and collecting orders. These varying job duties give rise to numerous potential hazards. As a retail...
Mistakes people tend to make on ladders
Ladders are the reason for a lot of workplace accidents, and many of the annual ladder falls in the United States occur simply because workers make mistakes. They may not realize they’ve done so until after the event. It only becomes clear later, when it has...
Shoulder injuries are damaging to health care workers
Working as a nurse, you’re around patients all the time. You help them get up out of bed, go to the restroom and perform other important tasks, like checking medications and supporting the patient if they are upset or in pain. In this role, it is common to have to...
This trend could lead to more injuries for nurses
Much has been made over the years about the obesity epidemic in the United States. It's a problem because those who reach this level could run into serious health complications. It's also a problem because the average person’s weight just keeps trending up. For...
How are eye injuries caused in the workplace?
Workplace injuries come in various forms. One type of injury that warrants further consideration is injuries to the eyes. Employees are at risk of eye injuries, particularly if they work in manual fields such as construction, woodwork and factory operations. What are...